Emmanuel P
Apr 1, 2024
Recap of our April Stated meeting
We wanted to provide a recap of our April Stated meeting and provide some information about events for the upcoming months. We had a great crowd of Glen Allen 131 brothers and visitors (27) who attended the meeting! We saw some faces who had not been to Lodge in quite a while. It was a refreshing and exciting time for us to get together for great fellowship during dinner and after the meeting. We are hoping that they will continue to come back and, speak to other brothers about how easy it is to come back, even if you have been gone for a while. The regular lodge business was conducted and was followed by an excellent and interesting presentation by Wor. Michael Joyner, who gave a talk on Edgar Allen Poe entitled “Masonry and Amontillado; When Poe’s Path Crossed the Craft”. Our Wardens have begun the discussions of the Warden’s picnic and details will be forthcoming soon! Please keep our brothers, widows, and orphans who are sick or distressed in your prayers. Our Junior Warden has been doing a great job keeping up with everyone and either helping or looking for help when needed.

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